there’s a lot of annoying people in the public eye these days, and we’re all at one with feeling sick of hearing what they have to say.
one whole MAOAM STRIPE is chewy enough to glue an annoying set of jaws shut.
shut your maoam
we'll start by positioning ads reacting to newspaper stories and interviews in magazines.
we’ll take to twitter by replacing the tweets of annoying people with MAOAM ads instead
we'll change mute buttons across social apps - twitter, instagram, and whatsapp - to MAOAM logos.
we would also have a rolling banner ad at the bottom of the screen when a notoriously annoying person is chatting.
reality tv shows - such as keeping up with the kardashians - would have a MAOAM ad as the first commercial shown at the end of the episode.
we would even anticipate annoying events happening (e.g. trump rallies/mobs/die-hard fans causing a scene) by pitching up a MAOAM tent to hand out free MAOAM STRIPES, making everything a little less loud and exasperating.
ever had to deal with an annoying colleague that chats and never stops for air? same.
introducing the MAOAM office munch box. position yourself as the nice guy bringing in snacks for the team, whilst experiencing a few moments of bliss and tranquility. win win.